Do your gums bleed when you brush? Have they become inflamed and sore? If so, your mouth is trying to tell you that you have developed periodontitis. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, can progress from easy-to-treat early stages to more severe stages, which require more intense treatment. When you notice symptoms of periodontitis, you will want to see your local Winnipeg, Manitoba dental professional.
Dr. Hoda Hosseini and the team at ClearCare Periodontal and Implant Centre are here to help you understand what periodontitis is and how it can be treated and reversed so that your mouth remains healthy.
When your gums become inflamed, tender, and sore, this indicates periodontal disease. The earliest stage of this disease is known as gingivitis. At this stage, you may notice that your gums bleed when you brush your teeth. If you don’t do anything at this stage of the disease, it will morph into periodontitis, an advanced stage of gum disease. It is at this stage when the gums can begin to recede and pull back from your teeth, leading to eventual tooth loss.
Our mouths are a breeding ground for bacteria. There are beneficial bacteria as well as bacteria that are harmful to our health. Eliminating these harmful bacteria is critical to keep healthy teeth and gums. The easiest thing to do is maintain a good oral hygiene routine, including brushing, flossing, and rinsing. Also, make sure you are seeing your dentist twice a year for a dental exam and cleaning to make sure all bacteria, plaque, and tartar are removed, which can otherwise lead to periodontitis.
There are other contributing factors to periodontitis, including:
The earliest stages of gum disease are easy to reverse. Often, it requires a change in your oral hygiene. As it progresses, a deep cleaning may be required. Another great way to help prevent gum disease is to change your diet. Eat more nutrient-dense foods and maintain a balanced diet.
To learn more about periodontitis, please contact the team at ClearCare Periodontal and Implant Centre today by calling (204) 421-9236.