Gum Recession

Local Dentist Reveals The Leading Causes of Gum Recession in Patients

Your smile can be one of your most captivating features, but what happens when you have beautiful teeth but your gums begin to recede? Gum recession is a common oral health concern that not only affects the aesthetics of your smile but also poses oral health risks. Let’s take a look into the leading causes of gum recession that Dr. Hoda Hosseini, Dr. Katie Chung, and the team at ClearCare Periodontal and Implant Centre see with their Winnipeg, Manitoba patients and how understanding these can help you take the proactive steps needed to preserve your gum health.

Aggressive Brushing

You may not realize it, but brushing your teeth with too much force can cause more harm than help. Aggressive brushing can wear away the enamel on your teeth and irritate the delicate gum tissues, leading to recession over time. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and adopting a gentle brushing technique can make a huge difference.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Neglecting your oral health can have serious consequences, and gum recession is no exception. Inadequate brushing and flossing allow a sticky film called plaque to form along the gumline. As this bacteria multiplies, toxins are released, leading to inflammation and gum tissue erosion, ultimately causing them to recede.

Genetic Predisposition

Your genes determine your susceptibility to various conditions, including gum recession. You may be at a higher risk if your parents or close relatives have experienced gum recession. Regular dental check-ups become especially important for those with a family history of gum-related issues.

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Chronic teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, exerts excessive pressure on both teeth and gums. Over time, this can contribute to the recession of the gumline. Wearing a nightguard can help mitigate the impact of bruxism, protecting your gums and preserving the integrity of your teeth.

Tobacco Use

The use of tobacco products introduces harmful chemicals into your mouth. These toxins can interfere with blood flow to the gums, impeding their ability to heal and resist infections. Smokers are at a higher risk of gum disease, a significant precursor to gum recession.

Understanding the leading causes of gum recession empowers individuals to take proactive steps in maintaining optimal oral health. 

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Hosseini or Dr. Chung, please call our Winnipeg, MB office today at (204) 421-9236.

Dr. Hoda Hosseini

Published by
Dr. Hoda Hosseini

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